
FEKER Alice98 Wireless VIA Mechanical Keyboard: A Journey to Ergonomic Excellence


In the realm of mechanical keyboards, where ergonomics, aesthetics, and functionality intertwine, the FEKER Alice98 Wireless VIA Mechanical Keyboard emerges as a beacon of innovation and comfort.

Unveiling the keyboard's essence, the 8000mA battery breathes life into its wireless capabilities, empowering you to roam freely without the encumbrance of cables. The freedom to navigate your digital domain from any corner of your realm is a testament to the keyboard's flexibility and adaptability.

  • Hot-Swappable Switches: Embrace the versatility of hot-swappable Kailh switches, granting you the power to tailor your typing experience to your precise preferences. Experiment with a myriad of switch types, from the crisp tactility of browns to the linear fluidity of reds, crafting a symphony of keystrokes that resonate with your unique typing style.
  • Gasket-Mounted Design: Immerse yourself in a world of comfort and reduced fatigue with the gasket-mounted design. This ingenious architecture acts as a shock absorber, effectively mitigating the impact of keystrokes and enveloping your fingers in a gentle embrace, ensuring hours of effortless typing bliss.
  • VIA Software Compatibility: Unleash your creativity with the limitless possibilities of VIA software compatibility. This intuitive software grants you the power to customize every aspect of your keyboard's functionality, from macro assignments to lighting effects, empowering you to mold it into an extension of your digital persona.

Beyond its technical prowess, the FEKER Alice98 radiates elegance and sophistication. Its ergonomic split design eases wrist strain, allowing you to type for extended periods without discomfort. The vibrant RGB lighting dances beneath the translucent case, illuminating your desk with a kaleidoscope of colors, transforming your workspace into a realm of aesthetic enchantment.

I have personally experienced the transformative power of the FEKER Alice98. As a writer, I spend countless hours at my keyboard, and the ergonomic design has made a profound difference in my comfort and productivity. The hot-swappable switches have allowed me to experiment with different tactile sensations, enhancing my typing enjoyment.

Whether you're a seasoned keyboard enthusiast or an aspiring writer seeking to elevate your typing experience, the FEKER Alice98 Wireless VIA Mechanical Keyboard is an investment that will reap dividends in comfort, efficiency, and aesthetic delight. Embrace the future of mechanical keyboards and embark on a journey to ergonomic excellence with the FEKER Alice98.